What is an implant? Until recent time
, when a tooth was lost the only alternatives to replace it
were a bridge (two crowns on either side of the
missing tooth or teeth, and a false tooth between the
crowns.) or a false tooth (a removable artificial
made tooth). For the bridge in some cases it is
necessary to shape a healthy tooth And as for the
false tooth, this can be a bit unstable. In
addition, There is a tendence of the remaining teeth to last
less when having a spring attached. As the implant
treatment is complete, the remaining teeth are freed from any
pain and fully protected as result.
Example of the treatment of only one front
Example of the treatment of several upper molars
Example of the treatment that there ware no both
lower molars
Example of the treatment that It applied to lower
full denture.
There are certain patients who find implants
sort of a scary thing. But treatments, machinery,
devices and materials have really showed a great progress at
the present time Treatments are always available
under sedation as well for a better comfort. The
progress achieved in techniques and instruments has made
possible the treatment also of patients who were
not suitable to be treated in the past. Faster and
more comfortable, this means that treatments can be taken with
more relief than before. Please take the advantage
of the benefits that the constantly advancing dental
treatments offers to you.
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